Posture isn’t “bad” or “good” it just IS…
No posture is bad.
“Bad” posture is being stuck in only one type of posture and not having the ability to find another way to move.
Being hunched over is only bad if you can’t “un hunch” yourself.
We are all structurally different, but with patterns that seem universal to all people.
If you struggle with “bad posture” the opportunity for improvement lies in moving in a variety of ways. For those who sit a lot, stand a lot, or have repetitive patterns that may favor muscle imbalances (sitting cross-legged all day), holding one position for extended periods can lead to tightness and the uncomfortable feelings associated with poor posture.
Sitting all day encourages shortened/tight hip flexors, forward head posture and rounded shoulders. These patterns can affect breathing, digestion and precipitate low back, neck, shoulder pain and stiffness.
Standing all day (retail workers, trainers, hair stylists, chefs) generally creates greater lordosis and anterior pelvic tilt. Think of the pelvis like a bowl and imagine water from the bowl spilling out the front (anterior tilt).
The best posture is one that is fluid and always changing.
How to make positive posture changes:
take consistent breaks throughout the day to change the way you sit or stand
incorporate 1-5 minute movement breaks (a few kettlebell swings or Turkish Get Ups on each side)
follow a training plan that incorporates moving in all planes of motion, including bending and moving laterally
take full inhales and exhales; check out this drill you can do at home
consider supportive footwear and anti-extension drills, like dead bugs and hollow holds if you stand all day
open up the chest and shoulders with these drills, kettlebell halos and around the clock neck rotations if you sit for hours each day
A great article on the four rules of posture, by Physical Therapist Chris Leib: Posture May Not Cause Pain, But Improving Posture Can Help to Decrease Pain
Pay attention to your personal patterns and where you seem to be spending the most time.
Are you stuck or are you fluid?